Sunday 1 October 2017

The Life Post | If We Were Honest About Our Instagram Captions

With social media as popular today as it has ever been, it is no secret that we only present the very best version of ourselves when using it. I'll save you the whole 'we're all different people offline, no one is perfect' speech and skip right to the point of this post. 

I wanted to share with you a few of my holiday snaps from over the Summer accompanied by both an instagram appropriate caption. One that creates the illusion that I am the perfect person, with the perfect life and I most definitely have my shit together. The other caption would be the one I would post if I were to be completely honest about my pictures and the events that took place surrounding them. This one shatters the illusion that I am the perfect person, with the perfect life and I most definitely do not have my shit together. 

Instagram Caption: 'Drinking wine while watching the sun set, perfecto.'
Real Life Caption: 'Feeling a little tipsy before dinner drinking the wine we were given for free from the hotel because the pool turned us green.'

Instagram Caption: 'Bikinis, sun and ice cream, i'm never coming home' 
Real Life Caption: 'I paid 3 euro for this Cornetto and it melted down my arm because it was so hot' 

Instagram Caption: 'The best pizza in the world'
Real life Caption: 'I completely made the wrong choice when ordering my Pizza. Actually ended up eating most of my boyfriends and if the truth be known we would both had rather been eating a Domino's from back home.' 

Instagram Caption: 'Spent the day exploring the Island of Capri and all of it's hidden grottoes.' 
Real Life Caption: 'Took a boat trip with 10 strangers to Capri, my nose got sun burnt and it's grottoes were completely anticlimactic.'

Instagram Caption: 'Spending my day lounging by the pool.'
Real Life Caption: 'Spent the day sweating by the pool, the chlorine turned these white bikini bottoms green and I got into an argument with the hotel staff about it.' 

Instagram Caption: 'Waking up to this view everyday is perfect.'
Real Life Caption: 'Arriving to our hotel room and realising that instead of a balcony we have this tiny window was disappointing to say the least.' 

Instagram Caption: 'Wearing my favourite bikini!'
Real Life Caption: 'I wore this bikini purely for the picture, I changed into something much more comfortable straight after.' 

So there you have it. The illusion of my perfect life has now been entirely ruined. But that's okay. Because that is real life, and if everyone were more honest on social media maybe it would eliminate a lot of the pressure and competition that surrounds it. So if it takes me talking about my green hair and shit pizza's to get the ball rolling, then so be it.

Adele x



  1. Such a good post!!! Just makes you realise the difference in what you portrayed from the first caption and the reality of the second. If only social media was this transparent. This is exactly why we all get caught up in the illusion and end up comparing our own lives.

    I love the quote - Stop comparing your behind the scenes to someone elses highlight reel.

    Hayley | hayleyxmartin

  2. I totally agree that with social media everyone tries to come across as perfect, but we all have our life problems. And pools do turn you green sometimes, and life gives you crap. That's apart of everyday life. And I really enjoyed this post because you opened up about how social media is actually like.

  3. This was so good to read. You show that instagram it's not always as perfect as it seems and that people are real.


  4. This is quite an insightful post and nice to read. Definitely something for all of us to think about! Btw, I love your photos!

  5. Amazing post! So funny. Myself and my friend were giggling at some of these.

  6. i love this haha!, Such a great idea and a nice insight
    Charlie |

  7. I loved reading this, it was funny but still shared a very important lesson. Social media is a highlight reel and we need to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves to appear perfect. Thanks for your honesty and these pictures are honestly so great. xx
    Coco Bella Blog

  8. Great post! I like your honesty. Although I have to admin that your Instagram an real comments are good :) And of course all your pictures here are stunning.

  9. Haha! I love the captions!! So funny.

    X Merel

  10. What a beautiful vacation! I really enjoy reading your blog posts!

  11. LOL such a true and funny post girl, love this idea!

    XO, Jessi

  12. This post made me laugh so much! What a brilliant idea for a post - it's so great to see truly honest captions!

    Heather xx

  13. Oh this made me laugh so hard. Occasionally, I will put something real on my Instagram post. But I don't put a lot of lifestyle posts up so there's not as much to say. But just today, I took a photo and put on my Instagram story of the view from our yard. It's finally green because the golf course is being reseeded. I felt like saying "first day in a week my yard hasn't smelled like a steaming pile of shit". Living on a golf course where they just put fertilizer over acres and acres is not a joy for those living on it. LOL

  14. Wow! I really love your post. Thank you for being brutally honest in this post to impress world. Great post.

  15. Haha loved this post its great seeing what goes on behind the perfect insta shot! x

  16. Amazing photos! You really look sexy in that two piece. Great post.

  17. Amazing photos, dear. That pizza looks so delicious. Thank you for sharing.

  18. I love your humour! Such a great read, I really enjoyed it!

  19. You made me laugh. I love your honesty. Great post, I really enjoyed reading it.

  20. I love this post. I really enjoyed reading it. I'd definitely follow your on Instagram. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Very entertaining. Great photos, dear. Thanks for sharing.

  22. I love your blog, dear. I really enjoyed your post! Great share.

  23. I love these! Honestly social media would be so much more entertaining if we all dropped the perfect facade and started adding a dose of honesty and humour to our posts like this.

  24. his is literally one of my favorite posts by you. love this. honesty is something we all need more of!!xx

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