Sunday, 2 October 2016

The Beauty Post | Lush Trichomania Solid Shampoo

A couple of months ago I discovered Lush's 'Trichomania' solid shampoo. Intrigued by the idea idea that it was a bar of shampoo and not your standard bottle one, I was keen to give it a go. Environmentally friendly, it eliminates the hassle of discarding of bottles and makes travelling a hell of a lot easier, since it is not considered a liquid you can carry it with you on a plane. 

The shampoo is for hair that has lost it's moisture and needs to be tamed. I myself have straight hair with dry ends so I was excited to put a little more moisture back into it. Made with coconuts the shampoo smells so amazing. like most lush products it can be smelled from miles away so for this reason alone I had to try it. To use the product you simply wet your hair and rub the bar onto your head until it lathers, it lathers a lot more than a normal shampoo so a little bit goes a long way. After this you rinse it out just as normal and use a conditioner as you wish, although I don't think it is necessary. 

So was it worth trying? In my opinion yes it was worth trying but I probably won't be purchasing it again. For the sole reason that after I use it, it leaves my hair feeling waxy and looking a little dull, yes it is clean and no one else can notice but this is just something that bothers me. I have tried everything for it not to happy, I have rinsed my hair with hot water, water, used less product, not conditioned and still the waxy feeling is still there. I find this is a problem that often happens to me with lush hair products ( see here ) so I am beginning to think maybe it is my hair, I just don't know.

I did look up other reviews on the lush website and it was very hit and miss, some swear by it while others hated it. Maybe it will work for you but for me I don't think I will be wasting my money on it again. 

Have you tried this before? If so what did you think of it? 

Adele x


  1. I definitely want to skip to solid shampoo, too. I heard great reviews from zero waste people as well! Too bad to hear about waxy feeling. Good luck next time. There are many other products to test. Thank you for the review~

    1. I want to switch too, I am hoping I will come across a perfect one eventually anyway! x

  2. Replies
    1. I know, especially coming up to Winter! x

  3. Gorgeous, so so love it.
    Would you like to follow me back?

  4. I have never heard of such a product. Good for you that you gave it a go.

    1. Either had I until I bought it, it really is a great idea! x

  5. I have never used it, I've only used the bath bombs (which are amazing). Thanks for the review!

  6. I love the concept of bar shampoo. I would like to purchase a lush one but they add moisture and oils to the hair which means I can't use it. My hair is thin and gets greasy easily so I'll have to end up washing my hair a lot more. Great post! And thank you for visiting my blog xx

    Najida | The Average Gurl

    1. I love the idea too, it is just a little hard to find the perfect one for your hair x

  7. Great and interesting review! I have never tried a solid shampoo yet.

    Kisses ♥

    1. Thank you, you should give one a go sometime, they are so much better for the environment! x

  8. I've heard that same complaint, but mainly by curly haired girls. I can't use certain shampoos because it gets that waxy feeling and then it'll build up slowly over time. Thanks for the honest review!


    1. Yeah my hair gets that feeling really easily too so I definitely feel your pain! Thank you for reading x

  9. Very interesting. I like Lush for the most part but most products I won't buy again. Thanks for the honest review!

    Mel |

    1. I am exactly the same when it comes to lush! x

  10. Solid shampoo is an interesting idea, but I don't know if I would try it. I just bought two lush products for the first time... I wonder if I'll buy them again after this!

    Kirsten -

    1. I personally love the idea of it but this particular one just didn't suit me. Oh you might like them, I find with me anyway a lot of Lush products I either love or hate.. so it could be the same with you, depending on what it is you got. Thank you for commenting anyway! x

  11. I've never tried solid shampoo, but I'm not sure it would work for me as my hair is similar to yours.

    Bella Pummarola

  12. This post came out at the perfect time! I've been looking into trying out solid shampoos and lotion bars because I really hate having to deal with the whole 3-1-1 liquids rule. I've heard about lush products being a hit or miss but I haven't tried them out because I fear that I would have a reaction or something and then what would I do with the rest of it? I'll definitely keep this in mind! How did your scalp feel afterwards?

    ~Andrea Tiffany~

    1. My scalp felt fine afterwards but I generally have pretty normal skin etc so I am not very sensitive to products, I do think lush caters to sensitive skin though if that is something that bothers you, the thing I love about Lush is how natural and chemical free their products are! x

  13. Thanks for sharing.
    Gina //

  14. I've never tried a solid shampoo before, its a shame it leaves your hair feeling waxy, I think I'll hold off trying it. x
    A Blushing Beauty Blog x

  15. Thanks for the review! Wanted to try it and probably I will but I think it will leave my hair waxy as yours!


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