Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Instagram Roundup | March

What a colourful month March has been, according to these pictures anyway. April for me means two things, exams, which is probably the worst thing in the world, and the end of exams which is probably the best thing in the world. So the next month is looking like a cloud of revision and last minute assignments but, that also means that I am all the more close to being free from all college commitment for the Summer, which makes me very excited. 

What are you plans for April?

Adele x


Sunday, 26 March 2017

The Life Post | A Basic White Girl's Guide To Unwinding

 Whether you work, run a household or anything else inbetween, most of us encounter stress during everyday life. If you're a student like me your life will be looking a little something like hell right now, as we all know March and April are filled with nothing but deadlines, mental breakdowns and exams. So writing this post probably couldn't have come at a better time. 

Whatever it is that may have you stressed it is important to switch off from whatever that is eventually and these are some of my completely generic ways to relax. Que the common white girl advice.

Cut Off Point
Every evening there must be a cut off point that you establish which separates you from work, whether that be school/college work or your job. There must be a time that that ends and relaxation begins. Not doing so will lead to a sleepless night, resulting in less productivity the following day. 

Okay maybe this should not be on the list, but it is on mine, so don't judge. Nothing calms me down more than one or two (or twenty) squares of chocolate. If you are a chocoholic like me you can relate to the experiencing that feeling of euphoria when eating some chocolate after a stressful day. I recommend always having a stash hidden somewhere for particularly hectic times. With this, you could also try baking. I love melting some chocolate together and making rocky road if I get the chance - it doesn't involve too much messing about and it tastes amazing.

Creating a place of comfort and relaxation is key to being able to feel that way. I tend to light candles and dim the lights in my bedroom to create a stress free area. Meditate or play relaxing sounds while you get ready for bed, do whatever it takes to get you into the zooone.


When I am feeling stressed out it is likely that my skin will tell that tale. Sleepless nights and constant anxiety are part and parcel of being under pressure and this will result in my skin looking dull and spotty, which will only make you feel even worse, leading to more stress - you can see the viscous cycle emerging here. So to eradicate that it is important to pamper yourself, painting your nails and applying a face mask can be all your moral needs for a little boost. On a sidenote, I have been loving this sheet mask from Jivesse.. and can confirm that I am now sheet mask convert!

Reading does not always have to be reading a book. If you are not into literature, read a magazine or blog posts. Whatever it is, reading allows your brain to disconnect from any current worries it is holding and transport to a different stress free land filled with happiness. Maybe that is a bit much, but reading is still fun. 

Hopefully you found these somewhat helpful and didn't fall asleep with how basic this post is. However, stress is a real issue and much like a cut, it must be tended to in order to prevent it from developing into anything bigger. 

Adele x 


Sunday, 19 March 2017

Girl Talk | Let's Talk About Body Hair

So, I am about to begin my regular rant on why being a girl is damn hard. Grab a drink, we could be here a while.
Okay i'll keep the ranting to a minimum, but in this girl talk post I thought I would talk about body hair- and more specifically body hair on females. I am not going to start the whole debate on whether anyone who identifies as a girl should or should not shave - because although society may say that we do have to be smooth hairless goddesses, we don't, and what you do with your body and the hair on it is your choice. 

For me, I like to remove body hair, and when I say remove I mean majority of the time i'm a bit prickly and couldn't be bothered with the whole shaving malarkey until an event comes along and gives me the incentive to become smooth and hairless. So, realistically I am somewhere in between the shaver/non shaver spectrum. 

If you are a bit like me and enjoy the feeling of being hairless but don't like effort that has to be put into being like that, I introduce to you the 'epilator'. This is a new word in my vocabulary and it may just be for you too. As a part of my girl talk series I am testing out various different devices that aid with being a female, and oh my god I found a good one. The device looks like a normal lady shaver that comes with detachable heads for you to use it in different ways. The head I most often use it for hair removal, and man does the epilator remove dem tings. It works by mechanically grasping multiple hairs and simultaneously pulling them out. Before you go running away at how traumatizing that sounds remember, we are women, we are strong and a little bit of hair being pulled out of our body is no big deal - we push humans out of our special places for god's sake.

So now the important bit, is it painful and does it work? a little and yes! The sensation is somewhat similar to being stung by a bee and is completely bearable. As far as longevity goes, although the hair cell is not removed as it is with waxing, making it not last quite as long as being waxed does, it is still revolutionary. You get about two weeks of smooth legs, armpits and whatever else, which is every lazy girls dream.

If you are someone who chooses to shave this may be an economic and convenient option for you, and I am happy to have been the guinea pig for that. Here is a link to the website I got mine from.

Previous posts in my girl talk series:
Things I Learned When I Stopped Waring Bras
The Menstrual Cup
11 Thoughts Every Girl Has On Her Period
Here's To The Girls That Don't Wear Makeup

Happy Sunday!
Adele x

Sunday, 12 March 2017

The Fashion Post | Cosy Knits and Straight Leg Denim

High Neck Jumper  | Straight Leg Jeans  (similar) | White Boots  (similar) 

It may be Spring but I am still most definitely staying wrapped up for the foreseeable future, and this high neck jumper is perfect for that. As I have mentioned in a previous post I am one happy lady having nabbed myself these ahhhmazing Topshop jeans the other week, and this is their outfit post debut. Being realistic there is not very much attractive about a pair of straight leg jeans to most people, but I just happen to be in the minority who find them crazy attractive - and comfortable - and stylish.. I could go on but I won't. 

I hope you all have a lovely week!
Adele x

Sunday, 5 March 2017

The Life Post | A Little Galway Adventure

Last Sunday myself and my boyfriend went on a small trip to Galway for a couple of days. The title of the post may read 'adventure' but to be honest there wasn't too much adventuring going on, we left the hotel maybe twice. The rest of the time was spent in our pajamas drinking alcohol and debating what to order for room service. Neither of us had ever been to a proper spa, so we decided to grab ourselves the best groupon deal we could find and escape the city for a few days. 

To make the weekend as relaxing as possible we both agreed to leave our phones in a drawer, only checking them now and then in case of any emergencies. Although I stuck to my side of the deal I most definitely caught Robby having a sneaky look on Facebook once or twice, which I doubt was too much of an emergency. So that meant no phones were brought to dinner or the spa and it was our job to actually come up with conversation to fill the time, something us millennials are not all that familiar with. 

During our second day there we made full use of the spa and room service facilities and spent the day lounging around in white robes until we were hungry enough to stuff our faces with lots of deliciousness. 

All in all the weekend was the perfect break and my lack of pictures probably illustrate that. I am hoping that this is just the first of many more weekend getaways to come. 

I hope you're all having a lovely Sunday!
Adele x
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