Wednesday 19 July 2017

The Fashion Post | Ruffled Mini Skirt and Flared Sleeves

On a scale of one to a bazillion how much of a blogger dick do I look in these pictures? I think I far surpass the bazillion tbh. But I just could not resist throwing this denim jacket over my shoulders instead of wearing it like a normal human. I can't help but be reminded of that 'don't touch me i'm famous' girl from Drake and Josh every time I look at these pictures. I swear i'm not that much of an arse in real life. 

But may I just point out this skirt?! I have a little hang up about my legs so I rarely get them out, but this skirt makes me actually not despise my pins. The jacket I picked up in the men's section in Forever21 and I am so glad I did. I am hoping that it will see me through the winter months and add a little pop to any outfit I wear. As you can see I have been on a little splurge as of late, and there is even more to come in future outfit posts.     

Have you been on any shopping sprees lately? 

Adele x         

Wednesday 12 July 2017

The Life Post | Where Have I Been? Meet Ringo

So when I stated in my last post on the 11th of June, a month ago, that I would be 'back next Sunday', I lied. Not intentionally, in my defense I really did think I would be back, but in between now and then life kind of got in the way. And in this case 'life' comes in the form of a miniature dachshund named Ringo.

I have wanted a dog for as long as I can remember, and Ringo unexpectedly popped into our lives at the perfect time. However the joy and happiness this little puppy has brought into our home has come at a price. As any dog owner will know, four legged friends are a lot of hard work, and the time that I would usually have to invest in my social life and blog has been spent looking after this furry baby. But I have been loving it. Yes, majority of my time has consisted of cleaning up wee and poo, giving out to, and feeding Mr. Ringo, but the morning cuddles and daily giggles make up for all of this tenfold.

As I have spoke about in my last post, my motivation for my blog has been non existent this past while and Ringo's arrival has simply added to that. BUT, having took a few weeks out to get my shit together I am feeling back to my normal self and have a number of posts lined up to share with you over the next few weeks.

So that is my big news. If anyone has any advice on training puppies, or if you have a dachshund of your own and have any advice for me please please let me know, leave me a comment, email me, message me on social media, I will take all of the advice I can get.

Thank you all for bearing with me during my little blogging break.

Adele x

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