Sunday 31 January 2016

The Game Changer | Barbie's New Body

Having got wind of the new Barbie dolls on Friday, I knew a blog post had to follow. Being a huge fan of Barbie from a very young age the impact she has had on girls and boys of all ages around the world is very apparent. With her original 5'9, blonde haired, big breasted body being a constant reference point and measurement of beauty for over 50 years, it is high time that this image is no longer the only representation of what we deem to be 'beautiful'. 

I do feel that the original Barbie gets a bad wrap, at the end of the day she is just a doll that was created with the intent of allowing children to enjoy playing with her, living out their own dreams and fantasy worlds through her, so for that reason I will forever have a soft spot for Barbie. However, I think it is the most wonderful thing that future generations will now be able to live out their dreams and fantasies with a Barbie that is relate able to them, whatever size, shape or colour they are. Beauty has been given a much broader spectrum and now children and adults alike can play with new petite, tall and curvy Barbies, with 33 new looks altogether.

(images- screenshots from their direct website -

Mattel wrote in a statement "By introducing more variety into the line, Barbie is offering girls choices that are better reflective of the world they see today". I for one could not be more excited about this new movement and can only hope that the progress continues, I would love to see Barbies with different disabilities next, but for now I could not be prouder of Mattel for abolishing ideological beauty and giving my future sons and daughters the opportunity to play with a doll of their likeness, reinforcing to them that they are beautiful, however they might look.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

As always, don't forget to give me a follow!

Adele x

Sunday 24 January 2016

The Life Post | Combating 'FOMO'.

FOMO to me, is something of a trivial first world problem, something that in the grand scheme of things is minuscule compared to some of the problems out there, but when experienced can be very real and pretty serious. 

Firstly what is FOMO? FOMO is the 'fear of missing out'. It is that anxious feeling you get when one of your friends texts you asking you to go for drinks but you're already in bed scoffing enough chocolate to feed a third world country with sudocrem strategically placed on your spots and half way through your favourite Friends episode (the one where Ross whitens his teeth for a date but it all goes horribly wrong) No? just me? cool. But even though you know exactly what happens to Ross and his luminous teeth you kindly decline the invitation, it would be far too much trouble to swap the fluffiest pyjamas you own for your glad rags, and socializing? no thanks. Decision made, you're staying in. However what happens next is what is known as the dreaded 'FOMO'. You spend the rest of night feeling guilty for not going out, and seeing the snapchats of your friends having fun makes you a little jealous and you begin to question your decision. We've all been there and it's not the most pleasant of situations to be in.

In light of all this I have compiled together my best tips for combating this nasty state of mind which will hopefully help a few people to rid of this epidemic which is sweeping the nation.

Say Yes 
In particular when it comes to new social situations like college or work. If like me you tend to shy away from groups of new people you meet and the idea of going out and socializing with them in a confined space for a number of hours is terrifying, put these thoughts to one side. You will never make friends or form new bonds with people if you don't put yourself out there. If you keep saying no to going out and trying new things eventually people will stop inviting you and you will never have the chance to become closer to them. Say yes to any invitation that comes and you'll surprise yourself how much fun you will have in the end.

Social Media
We are the luckiest generation in the sense that we have the ability to stay connected with everyone and anyone with the click of a button. For example, to ensure you don't miss any of your favourite bands or singers gigs you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc and receive notifications on any upcoming shows they may have in your area. Message your friends, see what their plans are for the weekend so you know in advance and there will be no last minute rushing around trying to get ready.

Sometimes it's Okay to Say No
I know this completely contradicts everything I just said above, but sometimes it really is okay to stay in and experience FOMO. Opting to stay in doing something you enjoy like reading or watching a film instead of going out to a sweaty nightclub is completely fine too. Going out into town every weekend may not be to everyone's taste (myself being one). Having some time to yourself while saving money is sometimes the wise option, and once you strike up a good balance between going out and socializing and having 'you time' there is no shame in suffering from FOMO every now and again.

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So I hope this was helpful to at least one person, let me know your thoughts in the comments section!

Don't forget to follow me!

Adele x

Sunday 17 January 2016

The Outfit | Twenty Two

 Skirt: Vintage 
Top: Topshop
Denim Shirt: Eager Beaver (Vintage) 
Boots: Pennys (Primark)

I'm constantly torn between wanting to buy new clothes but also wanting and needing to save money. With the summer fast approaching I have a lot of saving to do between now and then so going on an asos spending spree weekly just can't be a thing anymore.

With all this in mind, a couple weeks ago a moment of madness came over me and I decided to have a scavenge through my mams wardrobe in search of a few new items to add to my own, and surprisingly I came across some absolute gems. This skirt being one of them. It's a size 12 but has a wrap around tie so is easily adjusted to any size, it's surprisingly flattering and it reminds me of something you would find in American Aparrel. Best thing about it though? I now own it and it cost me nothing, apparently one of the perks of living in someone's womb for 9 months is that you get first choice on any unwanted items of clothing.. sweet! I kept it pretty laid back with an over sized denim skirt, a plain grey crop top and scruffy old boots.

More posts to come on other items I found inside Momma Miner's wardrobe!

Do give me a follow for more of this stuff!

Adele x

Sunday 10 January 2016

The Review | Soap and Glory's Peaches and Clean Deep Cleansing Milk.

Another year another review. One of the promises I made to myself on turning 20 last year was to start putting together a decent skincare routine that I will thank myself for when I turn the dreaded 30. Prior to the last few months I had been taking my make up off with a baby wipe and sticking on some moisturizer when I remembered, but now since i'm a big girl I go the whole hog, cleanse, tone AND moisturize.. daily.

I'm a huge fan of Soap and Glory's cosmetic range so when I saw this little gem for just over a fiver I couldn't resist picking it up. Firstly the size of the bottle and the amount of product inside it is very good value for money, which initially lead me to believe that the product itself can't be all that good, but I am happy to say I was wrong. For all skin types, it claims to purify, clarify and dissolve make up while energizing and smoothing the skin. In the winter, my skin can tend to become a little dry so a product like this is exactly what I need, nothing too harsh or drying on my skin but also something that doesn't give me too much moisture, reeking havoc on my already oily skin. 

Taking one or two pumps I massage this into my face focusing on my eyes and watch all of my make up melt off, I rinse it and if I feel the need I will repeat the process again, but usually once does the trick. Then I carry on with my toning and moisturizing. Since starting to use this I can see a difference in my skin, nothing life changing but generally it is clearer, more moisturized and it has made removing make up a lot more kind on my skin, no pore pulling at my eyes with an old baby wipe! All of these small things have also made make up sit a lot better on my skin, there are no dry or oily patches, my concealer etc. sits evenly on my whole face which makes me very happy indeed. 

So if you're looking for a cheap cleanser that does exactly what it says on the tin, this is the product for you! 

If you have any suggestions of other cleansers or Soap and Glory products you think I should try, do leave me a comment down below!


Adele x

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