Sunday 31 January 2016

The Game Changer | Barbie's New Body

Having got wind of the new Barbie dolls on Friday, I knew a blog post had to follow. Being a huge fan of Barbie from a very young age the impact she has had on girls and boys of all ages around the world is very apparent. With her original 5'9, blonde haired, big breasted body being a constant reference point and measurement of beauty for over 50 years, it is high time that this image is no longer the only representation of what we deem to be 'beautiful'. 

I do feel that the original Barbie gets a bad wrap, at the end of the day she is just a doll that was created with the intent of allowing children to enjoy playing with her, living out their own dreams and fantasy worlds through her, so for that reason I will forever have a soft spot for Barbie. However, I think it is the most wonderful thing that future generations will now be able to live out their dreams and fantasies with a Barbie that is relate able to them, whatever size, shape or colour they are. Beauty has been given a much broader spectrum and now children and adults alike can play with new petite, tall and curvy Barbies, with 33 new looks altogether.

(images- screenshots from their direct website -

Mattel wrote in a statement "By introducing more variety into the line, Barbie is offering girls choices that are better reflective of the world they see today". I for one could not be more excited about this new movement and can only hope that the progress continues, I would love to see Barbies with different disabilities next, but for now I could not be prouder of Mattel for abolishing ideological beauty and giving my future sons and daughters the opportunity to play with a doll of their likeness, reinforcing to them that they are beautiful, however they might look.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

As always, don't forget to give me a follow!

Adele x


  1. I'm so glad barbie finally got with the times!
    Trudy | TrudyJohanna

  2. Replies
    1. I know me too, i'm pretty small so i'm so glad to see the little one's being introduced! x

  3. Finally - YAY!!! I'm happy to see Mattel making more curvy and diverse Barbie Dolls, and hope future Barbies will include more diverse and full-figured dolls. I'd also love to see more Barbie outfit pieces in styles I like - more skater and tennis mini-skirts, tulle, lace, ruffles and florals - but that's just me.

    1. I know i'm so happy about it too, I hope it continues! x

  4. It's really interesting, but I still think they have a long way to go. If you look at the curvy ones, the legs are still pretty skinny suggesting they haven't veered too far from the original. Also, I've heard people say how it's all a bit too late, as we've been having this body image debate for a while now! Still, it goes to show there has at least been a bit of progress.

    Rags Of Love - London Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

    1. I completely agree, but I am happy with what has happened so far, I definitely hope it continues and more and more sizes and shapes are introduced! x

  5. Yay!! Such a great change to see! I remember playing with my Barbie and it's one of my vivid childhood memories. So glad to read this post about Barbie becoming a even more amazing doll :) xx

    Kaylee | JK's Dawn

    1. I have the same memories, I think the change is wonderful! x

  6. yeah!! love this change! :D

    Have a great week!
    Animated Confessions

  7. The brown skin tall one is def me !


    1. I love it, mine would be completely different, it's so good that everyone can pick one out that looks like them! x

  8. I love this change! Lovely blog you have here!


  9. It's good that they are trying to introduce Barbie's in a variety of body shapes, definitely better than having just one type, although I still think that the variety is quite small and there are tonnes more that they should bring out as well!

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. Definitely, there is still so much more progressing they could do! x

  10. I never even heard about this! That's definitely such an awesome step in the right direction although I agree with you in that I only ever saw my Barbie's as dolls, not as a look to aspire to...

    x Erin
    The Halfway Point

    1. It's a really good step in the right direction! x

  11. Love this so much! Finally Barbie became normal haha



  12. WOW! I love this change! <3

  13. ENFIN!!!! il était temps ^^

  14. I didnt know about this change before reading your blogpost and I think it's so exciting. Like you, I believe Barbie does get a lot of stick but maybe its for the right reasons. Barbie shouldnt be universal, but different just like we are. Great post, very insightful. PS We both have lydia in our name and this excites me (its pretty uncommon)! Lydia Eve, xx


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