Wednesday 28 December 2016

The Fashion Post | Flared Sleeves and Sixties Boots

Top: Shein
Trousers: Topshop (similar)
Boots: Asos (similar)

I am in mod heaven wearing these boots. Actually I am in heaven wearing this entire outfit. I understand this look may not be to everyone's taste, I am quite aware of the fact that I look like a quality street on my way to a Beatles concert. But life is far too short to wear boring clothes anyway.

I hope you're all having the loveliest Christmas break, and are eating every piece of food in sight. I know I am. 



Saturday 24 December 2016

The Beauty Post | A Go-To Product: Collection Lasting Concealer

There is nothing I love on this planet more than a bargain, and when that bargain sneaks it's way onto your go- to products list you know you have something good going on. This is quite possibly my ultimate go- to product and has been for the past four years. 

For just over 5 euro this concealer does an incredible job. I suffer from very dark circles and have tried and tested every concealer under the sun. From mac to clinique I have spent an unhealthy amount of money on trying to find that perfect concealer, but nothing seems to outdo this.

 It comes in four different shades and the colour I use is the lightest shade. I never wear foundation so this little beauty does the trick to hide whatever I need it to. I have used this in the past when I had acne and it did an amazing job covering any bumps and red bits up, so I find comfort in the fact that if my skin decides to break out I have this magical little thing to sort me out. It has good lasting power, once set with some powder it won't budge for majority of the day and there is little to no creasing.
We've all had that heartbreaking moment when you wake up after a night out only to discover that you were a drunken state the night before and lost an expensive make up item. But with this you don't need to have that fear.. for a fiver you can just pick yourself up another and glaze over the fact that you are an irresponsible mess.. what a win! 
Have you ever tried this product before? If not, what is your go-to concealer?

Also a very merry Christmas eve to everyone, and I hope you all have a wonderfully festive day tomorrow!

Adele x

Wednesday 21 December 2016

The Fashion Post | December Wishlist

Another month, another wishlist. And this wishlist will be the last of 2016.. insaaane! Of course this month's post consists of lets of cosiness, velvet and sparkles.. it is Christmas after all. I also may or may not have ordered one of two of these items after making this post because I have zero self control, but you can look forward to seeing them in outfit posts in the near future! 

I have discovered a couple of new websites recently, including SheIn and Newchic,  which I definitely recommend having a browse on for getting a couple of last minute Christmas presents or waiting until the new year to treat yourself to some new goodies, I know I definitely will!

Red Jumpsuit | Velvet Crop Top | Sequin Blouse | Pattern Jumper | Cigarette Trousers | Mustard Beanie | Mermaid Blanket | White Ankle Boots | Floral Blouse | Velvet Dress | Fluffy Pjs | Straight Leg Jeans

What is on your wishlist this month? 

Adele x


Sunday 18 December 2016

The Life Post | Five Ways To Get Into The Festive Spirit This Christmas

Each year, come December I find myself in the same Grinch like mood, while everyone around me is playing Christmas songs and wrapping presents since November, I can never seem to get myself into a similar festive spirit and when I eventually do Christmas is usually over by then. If you are a student like me then you will probably associate this time of year with stress induced panic over essays, deadlines and exams rather than tinsel and fairy-lights. 

This year however, I am determined to force myself to get into a Christmassy spirit before the 25th. These are the little things I have been doing the past week or so to jazz up my mood and if you find yourself in a similar predicament to me they may just help you too. 

Buy Cosy Clothes
Treat yourself to some knitted jumpers, cosy leggings and bobble hats. Every Christmas eve my mam gives myself a my brother a new pair of fluffy pjs to put on that night and it is something I look forward to every year. It is amazing how a pair of fluffy pajamas or woolly socks can take your mood from 0 to 100. 

Light Candles 
Not just any candles, but yourself a couple of Christmas scented ones like gingerbread or berry, and light them around your bedroom or house while you are there, your bah humbug grump should be lifted in no time. 

Watch Christmas Films
This is a really good way of rewarding yourself if you are studying for exams. Telling yourself that you can watch your favourite Christmas film once you are done with school or college work will give you something to look forward to and make studying easier. My favourite Christmas film is most definitely Home Alone, watching that will never get old for me. 

Whether it is giving to charity or buying presents for your loved ones, I think everyone can agree that giving gifts is a lot more satisfying than receiving them. There are plenty of ways to give back at Christmas time, by donating something as small as a tenner to a charity of your choice or by helping out with a local shoe box appeal, by putting together a Christmas shoe box for the homeless. Also by starting to look in shops and online for presents to give to your friends and family you will be on top of things and feeling festive in no time.

Read A Christmas Book
Not everyone is into watching films. I would much rather cosy up and get stuck into a Christmas book than spend a couple of hours watching a screen. If you are like me, buy yourself a Christmas novel and get lost in a make believe snowy world.

Hopefully you are all feeling a lot more jolly having read this and with exactly a week to go until Christmas I hope everyone has a very festive- and not too stressful, week! 

What do you do to get into the Christmas spirit?

Adele x


Wednesday 14 December 2016

The Fashion Post | The Turtleneck Trend

If there is one trend I am willing to get on board with this Winter it is this one. From chunky woolly jumpers to lace collars, the trend can keep you warm during the day and swiftly transition you into going out for drinks that night.

I love drawing inspiration from looking at street style pictures so I put together a little collage to hopefully inspire you on how the trend could be styled. I may have also put together a few of my favourite picks from this trend a left some links to them aaaand since it is Christmas time you completely deserve to treat yourself and use the fact that it is December as a valid excuse for that.

What are your favourite trends this Winter? 

Adele x

Sunday 11 December 2016

The Life Post | The Forgotten Inter-railing Disposables

If you were following me over the Summer you may have seen that myself and my boyfriend went interrailing around Europe for three weeks in the middle of July. Before we embarked on our adventure I decided to buy myself a disposable camera to document the trip because lets be real, it is way more fun to be able to hold real life vintagey photographs than to just look at some through a scratched mobile phone screen.  

I had completely forgotten about them until I re discovered them in my bedroom a couple of days ago. Ignoring the fact that we are currently in the height of Winter I thought I would share them anyway. Nothing gets you quite as excited for Summer than looking back on sunnier, less clothes layers times, *cries*. 

These are the kind of pictures I want to be able to look back on with all my grandchildren when I am old and grey and laugh at how young we looked, recalling the memories I will cherish for an eternity.  

Adele x

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Girl Talk | The Menstrual Cup

I am back with the second installment in my girl talk series, and this time I will be talking all about the magical Diva Cup. For some bizarre reason society has made women feel that their period is something to be ashamed of, an unspoken myth that must never be brought to light around men. We've all been there, you're standing in the que in Boots with sanitary items waiting to be served, and to your horror a man calls for the next person in line and it's you and oh god all you can do is watch in terror as he scans in your jumbo tampons and asks if you have an advantage card, pretending to be just as okay with the situation as you are, but really you're both mentally and physically scarred, because how can women be so disgusting. So to try and lift the stigma what I am going to do is talk about it, on the internet, for the whole planet to see. 

For those of you who don't know what it is or what it does, the menstrual cup is basically a little silicone cup that you fold over and insert (the same as a tampon) into your v-jay jay and leave to work it's magic by collecting blood for up to 12 hours. Then you take it back out, give it a clean and pop it back in again. If this is new to you that probably sounds pretty horrifying, and it was to me too. But after a couple of uses you get used to it and praise the day that you decided to stop with the whole pad and tampon malarkey. 

For me, learning that sanitary waste was one of the biggest issues the planet faces today was the deciding factor to give this a go. One menstrual cup can last for up to ten years and that is doin' the planet some good lemme tell ya. On top of the planet being delighted, you have your period sorted for the next ten years, is that not the most magical thing you could ever think of? No more irritating trips to the shop every month to spend your hard earned money on something you didn't choose for your body to do. 

From my own experience with using the cup the pros are endless, not only is it environmentally and economically friendly, it has made having my period, dare I say it, almost.. easy *gasps*. I can pop it in and not have to worry about changing it in a couple of hours while I am out or fearing leaking through my clothes if I forget to. I can leave it in for up to twelve hours and go about my daily business without having to carry around two hundred tampons in my handbag. I can't feel it inside me what so ever and once it is in I almost forget I even have my period. Even more I have noticed my period is slightly lighter since using it, as have other women reported. 

So far the only con I have found is getting used to it. It is terrifying inserting and removing the little cup in the beginning and I definitely had a few moments of panic myself but trust me, once you keep using it you figure out a way of getting it in and out that works best for you and that is when you will begin to reap all of the benefits this majestic cup has to ofer. 

So, I encourage you to share this with your sister, cousin, friend, on any social media platform you have whether it be facebook, twitter or instagram and help a sista out. I had no idea this existed up until two months ago and I just wish I had known about it sooner instead of suffering for years with uncomfortable pads and toxic tampons. Above I have listed different brands of menstrual cups if you decide that this option might be for you. 

 We need to get the word out and lift this taboo that surrounds our periods. GRL PWR. 

Adele x

Sunday 4 December 2016

The Fashion Post | Staying Cosy This December

Not many people enjoy the cold, wet and dark weather this time of year but, on the flip side of that being able to cosy up all of the time is pretty lovely. Although I live in a country where Summer lasts about 6 days, my whole wardrobe is catered to Summer so when it comes to Winter my clothing options are limited. So I have decided that this is the year of respnsibility, I WILL buy Winter clothes in Winter and not a bikini for my Summer holiday that is a million months away. 

So think cosy knits, fluffly socks and wool coats. Winter, I will win this year. Feel free to take inspiration from my attempt at wrapping up and staying comfortable this December. 

How will you be staying cosy this December? 

Adele x
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