Wednesday 1 October 2014

The Outfit | Two

Bralet: Diy
Maxi Skirt: Asos
Shirt: Vintage

To me, this outfit does nothing but scream Summer.. which is a little depressing now that the season is well and truly over. But hey, only 8 months until it makes a comeback! 

I bought the skirt and tie dyed a bra I picked up in Penny's (Primark) a month or two ago. I planned on the colours in the bralet being a lot more vibrant but I think the pastel colours go perfectly with the skirt and my 'spongebob shirt' brings that much needed add of colour. 

I hope the week is treating everyone well, don't worry the weekend is only 2 days away! 
Adele x



  1. I love your outfit and woow at your bralet, well done for making it :)


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