Friday, 26 June 2015

The Review | L'oreal Casting Sunkiss Jelly.

It seems to have become a yearly tradition that come summer I go lighter with my hair. In recent years I've tried getting highlights, covering my head in lemon juice, semi permanent dyes and now finally this little gem, L'oreal's Casting Sunkiss Jelly. 

Naturally my hair is a mousy brown/dark blonde colour, so going lighter isn't a huge transition, it just gives it a little bit of life. Having seen the ad on telly for this I was sold. It claims to gradually give your hair colour a sun kissed effect, is less than a tenner and saves the whole hassle of having to dye your hair. 

The product come in 3 different desirable shades, Light brown to dark blonde, dark blonde to light blonde and light blonde to very light blonde. For maximum results I went with light blonde to very light. I put it into my hair dry and blow dried to for a few minutes as recommended, the heat activates it's lightening properties. I did this every day for about 5 days until the tube was empty, it will last longer depending on the length and thickness of your hair.

So did it work? Yes! My hair is noticeably blonder. I had people ask me if I dyed it and even my boyfriend who notices literally nothing at all mentioned it looking lighter, so that's something. It definitely does what it claims to do and I would 100% recommend it to anyone looking to brighten up their hair colour.


Adele x



  1. I've been using this too, to keep my blonde ends light, such an easy product isn't it!

    Charlotte Harvs | Blog

  2. Love the "My bf who notices literally nothing" ahahah I think all men are like that terrible.
    I need to try it! I have it at home but didn't try yet.

    Aurelie |


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