Thursday, 17 September 2015

The Outfit | Twenty

Top: Primark
Culottes: Forever21
Runners: Penny's/Primark

Alright so it's pretty much been forever since I've made an outfit post. I'm not going to bombard you with half arsed excuses but things have been pretty busy lately with starting a new job and college, however I can only hope that sparse outfit posts will soon be a thing of the past and I can manage to fit one or two in every week or so in between everything. 

I'll start off by pointing out the absolute obvious and say how f'ing perfect is this top?! If you're a Friends fanatic like me you'll appreciate the brilliance of this (#teamross). I picked it up in Liverpool over the summer for something ridiculous like £7. Thrown together with these culottes and runners, sure you couldn't go wrong! 

Until next time lovelies! 


Adele x

Monday, 7 September 2015

Styling | Mom Jeans

Mom Jeans- noun informal 
'Women's jeans of a style regarded as unfashionable or unflattering' 
"Just because you're 40+, it doesn't mean you have to start walking around in mom jeans"

Alright, I think it's safe to say Mom Jeans have come full circle since the 80's. Particularly in the last year or so we've seen a total revival of the style of jean and in light of that I am dedicating a post to styling them from day to night showing just how versatile these little gems are and how useful it is to have a pair in your wardrobe.

Mom Jeans

I opted for a classic pair of light wash denim mom jeans from Topshop, however if you have the time and want to find a cheaper pair I would recommend looking in Vintage shops, it takes some dedication to find the perfect pair but they're a fraction of the price compared to places like Topshop and American Apparel and will last a lifetime!

As far as styling goes, I went with a simple layered daytime look, perfect for throwing on in the morning if you're heading off to college or doing errands, teamed with a pair of runners you're sure to be comfortable all day.
 The nighttime look is a lot more feminine, I personally am obsessed with the colour yellow, I understand that it isn't everyone's cup of tea but I think it contrasts perfectly with denim, dressing it up with a pair of heels and you're favourite clutch and you're good to go!

So to conclude, Mom Jeans are most definitely far from unflattering and unfashionable and in 2015 in my opinion are a must have basic wardrobe essential.


Adele x

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Bedroom Decor Inspo.

I know this post isn't necessarily fashion or beauty related, buuut, i've recently embarked on a journey of re decorating my room. Naturally with that comes endless hours wasted looking for 'inspiration' on pinterest.

Currently as we speak I am in my bed surrounded by all of my possessions on the floor, my walls half painted and generally everything in a well ordered heap. So, to keep me sane I thought I would share this little inspo post for other guys and gals that appreciate looking at gorgeous interior design like me.

I'm obsessed with white wood, old refurbished furniture and shabby chic decorations. Unfortunately my bedroom is in the attic and the 97% of it is made from wood so painting the whole thing white is a near impossible task that I am just not willing to take on.. so looking at these pictures will have to suffice for now. But I do plan to incorporate other bits of decorations into it.

I long for the day that I have my own apartment or home and can decorate the whole thing, but also dread the day I have to pay for rent and bills and food and all the other responsibilities of being an adult. For now i'm perfectly happy making my room a pretty little space for me to be in.

A new bedroom post is soon to follow this so don't go anywhere!


Adele x
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