Wednesday, 31 August 2016

The Life Post | Back to School Advice With Teami 'Focus' Tea

As September is looming ever closer, with that means that the new college or school year is right around the corner. While some may already be back, us more fortunate ones still have another week or so to prepare, but in the end the same fate awaits us. So when I was introduced to Teami's new tea blend 'Teami Focus', a tea that aims to boost productivity by increasing mental clarity and alertness, I was inspired to make a post with advice for everyone heading back to school, college and whatever else it is that you do, to help this academic year be your best one yet. 

Whether it is school or college you are heading back to, it can be hard getting back into the swing of things having had the whole summer off. I know first hand as a college student that having a lot of time off for the Summer is both a blessing and a curse, although it means I get to do a lot of what I want over the break, it also makes it a million times harder to go back at the end of it. With less than two weeks until I am back it is about time that I start to prepare myself, and if like me you would like to ease yourself back into the college year you might want to continue reading. 

Establish a Routine
As fun as it is to stay up late doing what you want and lying in until the afternoon the following day, this is probably the worst thing you could do to yourself. A week or so before you head back to school or college, it might be in your best interests to try and establish a routine. Attempt to be asleep by a reasonable time so you can get up early the next morning. Not only will you make it easier on yourself to go back to school, you will also have more time to make the most of the remaining days you have left of the Summer. 

Set Goals
Before you start the new academic year set yourself some personal goals that you can work towards during the year. You don't have to tell anybody or write them down, it could be something as simple as wanting to get a 5% higher mark in some subjects when it comes to the end of the year. Make it simple and this will keep you on the ball throughout the year. 

Start As You Mean To Go On 
This is something I definitely have to work on this year. I personally want to have better attendance this college year, not that last year was terrible, I just know that this is something I could work on. I want to try and put my all into my work right from the start and hopefully this will motivate me to continue on for the rest of the year. It is easy to get side tracked, especially in college when you have a little more freedom so this is when being strict on yourself and beginning the new year off on the right foot is important. If you start off well you will more than likely continue that way.

Eat Well 
I'm not sure if I am the only person that this happens to but almost every year without fail I come down with a horrible cold or flu the first few weeks into the school or college year, which kind of makes the whole starting as you mean to go on thing difficult. So this year in an attempt to avoid that I am trying to eat better, eating more fruit and vegetables and taking daily vitamin tablets to try and boost my immune system and fight off any germs I might pick up in and on my way to college. 

Teami 'Focus' Blend 
The last advice I have to give to all you education huns is to pick yourself up a bag of Teami's Focus blend and give it a try. The aim is to replace your coffee and unhealthy energy drinks with this peppermint flavoured tea that helps you stay mentally alert, productive and focused throughout the day. I have been testing it out since it has arrived and I can honestly say that I can feel the results almost straight away. I get a slow releasing rush of energy without that jittery feeling that most energy drinks can give you. Containing vitamins, calcium and iron it also gives your immune system and metabolism a boost while making you more productive at the same time, ensuring that you stay on top of everything without eventually crashing. 

Again I would just like to point out that this post is not sponsored, I was kindly sent out the tea to try for myself but all opinions are honest and my own and I really can't get enough of Teami's teas, on top of that they have a lot of other blends to offer if this doesn't sound like the one for you. 

If you would like to pick up a tea for yourself you can use my discount code 'ADELE' to save yo'self some dolla.

I hope you are all having a lovely week and if you are heading back to school or college soon I wish you the very best of luck with the new term!

Adele x


  1. Great post dear!♥♥♥
    New post on my blog:

  2. This is so inspiring! I love the post:)

  3. These are such great ideas to stay motivated! I am loving your blog! I am now following your blog if you want to follow back? :)

    1. Aw thank you, yes of course I will have a look at your blog now! x

  4. I love tea! this is a great post :)

  5. This tea sounds great, I'll have to try some myself! I always try to set myself goals otherwise I put stuff off x

    1. You should definitely try it, I am exactly the same.. sometimes you just need that little extra push in the right direction x

  6. I love this post so much. It's so hard to get back into the swing of things after a whole summer of just being free and crazy, haha.

    I really need to start setting goals and sticking to them, especially with Fall just around the corner!


    1. I know I agree, but in my case it was mostly boring and lazy haha. Let me know if you try the tea out! x

  7. Great post! :)

    Ellen x

  8. This is such a great post, I am always drinking a redbull to try to stay awake in lectures and was looking for some new teas to try. This will fit in perfectly, will definitely need to grab myself some! x

    1. Yeah I always try energy drinks too but they usually end up making me fee so horrible after so this tea is the perfect alternative! x

  9. Such a lovely post! We have only a few more days before the start and school so need to keep the advice in mind and avoid procrastinating :)
    Feel free to check out our latest post x

    1. It can be hard but it is definitely worth it if you start off right! x

  10. Thank you for sharing! Returning your visit to The Life Of A Not So Normal American Teenager. You have a beautiful blog!

  11. very interesting post!!! now i follow you on gfc and instagram i hope you follow me too!!! happy September!!!

  12. very good advice


  13. I love this post so much. It's so hard to get back into the swing of things after a whole summer of just being free and crazy, haha.
    best education service

  14. Luckily I haven't been to school in about 12 years! Yep, it was that long ago! But these are great tips!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

    1. Haha well I think the tips can be translated into just everyday life too to be more productive! x

  15. Love this post! My highschool year starts in Monday and I´m definately using these advice! :D

  16. You provided great tips here, and I LOVE tea of all kinds so I think I would love Teami Focus! Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend!

  17. Thank you for sharing this post, dear:) Your blog is awesome!

    I'm following you on Gfc, please follow me back and let's keep in touch:)

  18. I loved this post so much! I go back to school on Wednesday eek
    Love how honest you are too when showing products xx
    Morgan |

  19. Well this is super useful! I'm back to university in a couple of weeks and am a MASSIVE tea drinker (except your typical British tea sucks). So cool to discover a tea that not only tastes good but actually aids focus <3

    Also lovely post overall and the tips are so helpful! Should really help me get back into the swing of things and ditch my dopey self that arises in the summer :')

  20. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying hello!
    Of course we can follow each other, I’m following you now on GFC (number 379, name Kati) so now it’s your turn to follow back!

    Have a great day,

  21. Wonderful advice! Although I'm not quite heading to college or doing classes, I can see these pointers transferring over into my work. I think having a consistent, good, schedule is very important in your success. :)

    Style Tomes ||ST on IG

  22. School just started back for us last week, and this post is a good reminder of the things I need to be doing to keep my sanity. Great post, and love your blog :)


  23. Love this! Having a set routine and setting goals definitely motivates me and keeps me on track :) Thanks for sharing xx

    Mel |

  24. Loved reading about this! I am an avid tea drinker myself!:) Thank you for such a lovely post!

  25. I haven't heard of this brand before so will have to give them a try! I love having a fresh start this time of year as I use it to get myself organized for the winter! Love your blog, the photo's are gorgeous! xx


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