Sunday 24 January 2016

The Life Post | Combating 'FOMO'.

FOMO to me, is something of a trivial first world problem, something that in the grand scheme of things is minuscule compared to some of the problems out there, but when experienced can be very real and pretty serious. 

Firstly what is FOMO? FOMO is the 'fear of missing out'. It is that anxious feeling you get when one of your friends texts you asking you to go for drinks but you're already in bed scoffing enough chocolate to feed a third world country with sudocrem strategically placed on your spots and half way through your favourite Friends episode (the one where Ross whitens his teeth for a date but it all goes horribly wrong) No? just me? cool. But even though you know exactly what happens to Ross and his luminous teeth you kindly decline the invitation, it would be far too much trouble to swap the fluffiest pyjamas you own for your glad rags, and socializing? no thanks. Decision made, you're staying in. However what happens next is what is known as the dreaded 'FOMO'. You spend the rest of night feeling guilty for not going out, and seeing the snapchats of your friends having fun makes you a little jealous and you begin to question your decision. We've all been there and it's not the most pleasant of situations to be in.

In light of all this I have compiled together my best tips for combating this nasty state of mind which will hopefully help a few people to rid of this epidemic which is sweeping the nation.

Say Yes 
In particular when it comes to new social situations like college or work. If like me you tend to shy away from groups of new people you meet and the idea of going out and socializing with them in a confined space for a number of hours is terrifying, put these thoughts to one side. You will never make friends or form new bonds with people if you don't put yourself out there. If you keep saying no to going out and trying new things eventually people will stop inviting you and you will never have the chance to become closer to them. Say yes to any invitation that comes and you'll surprise yourself how much fun you will have in the end.

Social Media
We are the luckiest generation in the sense that we have the ability to stay connected with everyone and anyone with the click of a button. For example, to ensure you don't miss any of your favourite bands or singers gigs you can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc and receive notifications on any upcoming shows they may have in your area. Message your friends, see what their plans are for the weekend so you know in advance and there will be no last minute rushing around trying to get ready.

Sometimes it's Okay to Say No
I know this completely contradicts everything I just said above, but sometimes it really is okay to stay in and experience FOMO. Opting to stay in doing something you enjoy like reading or watching a film instead of going out to a sweaty nightclub is completely fine too. Going out into town every weekend may not be to everyone's taste (myself being one). Having some time to yourself while saving money is sometimes the wise option, and once you strike up a good balance between going out and socializing and having 'you time' there is no shame in suffering from FOMO every now and again.

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So I hope this was helpful to at least one person, let me know your thoughts in the comments section!

Don't forget to follow me!

Adele x


  1. I can be so lazy when it comes to going out. I love spending time with my friends, but getting ready and leaving the house seems like too much effort sometimes. This year, I've been trying to say yes more often instead of staying in watching movies and random YT videos. x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS

    1. I'm exactly the same, it can be pretty hard to get the perfect balance sometimes! x

  2. Nice post :)


  3. Great post. Well done.
    I love what you write and how you write
    Your blog is very interesting
    I hope you will like mine

  4. Love your post! We are definitely the FOMO generation. With all the social media, we always end up knowing how the party was, who went and so on, which make us kind of regret. But well, it's only one party out of a lot! Next time, we will go ;)

    1. Completely agree with you, glad you like the post! x

  5. I definitely needed this post, I am a sufferer of FOMO - I'm so glad I read this as I didn't even know that was it's name! // UK Fashion & Travel Blog

    1. Yeah I think a lot of people don't actually know that it's a thing! Thank you for reading x

  6. I had serious FOMO when I was younger but now I just do what I want and don't regret where I spent my time. Like I'd rather be blogging and interacting with like minded people online than trying to be friends with people in real life just because they're here. Makes no sense so I don't have serious FOMO! xx

    1. Totally agree with you, once you are happy in how you are spending your time there is really no need to feel bad! x

  7. nice post!! totally agree with this!

    Have a great day!
    Animated Confessions

  8. OMG, couldn't agree more!! I hate missing out which is probably why I am always so skint!! xx

    1. I'm the same, I either miss out or go and become broke.. there's no winning! x

  9. Perfect. :)
    if you have time look at my blog and subscribe, reciprocate.:*

  10. This is a great post! Sometimes we just have to balance where we put our time. The older we get, the more we become clear of our priorities, but that doesn't mean we have to compromise experiencing life!

  11. FOMO is the absolute worst but I try to remind myself that I can't be everywhere all the time. I think I do need to start saying yes more but I also love to stay in and be by myself as well, just need a good balance!

    danielle | avec danielle


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